Medical Genomics – MSc

Why Study This Course?

Our Medical Genomics MSc course will bring you up to speed with the post-genomic era following the game-changing breakthrough that is the sequencing of the human genome. The data now being generated is producing insights at an amazing rate, and personalised medicine is just around the corner.  Skilled and talented biologists capable of analysing, processing and innovating are in growing demand by employers. If you’re a science graduate who wants to specialise and gain employment in this area, then you can be part of the new golden age in medical genomics with this master’s degree.

More About This Course

In this course, you’ll enhance your knowledge of genomic science from a health perspective. As genetic testing becomes part of routine medical evaluations and more geneticists are needed to perform the tests, we can help develop your skills through unique research projects, outstanding teaching and high-quality facilities.

Our research-active staff will be joined by guest lecturers from organisations such as Barts Health NHS Trust, Imperial College London, King’s College London, University College London, St George’s Hospital and Brunel University. These connections with prestigious universities mean you’ll have the opportunity to meet and discuss your career options, secure work placements or apply for studentships. When you graduate, you’ll also be eligible to join the Royal Society of Biology, with whom we are registering this course to be accredited in the near future.

The University’s close location to the impressive genome and scientific job market in London means you’ll be well-placed for a career upon graduation. Our Careers and Employability team will help you improve your CV and assist you in your search for employment upon graduation from the Medical Genomics MSc.

Accreditation Of Prior Learning

Any university-level qualifications or relevant experience you gain prior to starting university could count towards your course.

Modular Structure

The modules listed below are for the academic year 2022/23 and represent the course modules at this time. Modules and module details (including, but not limited to, location and time) are subject to change over time.

Year 1 Modules Include:

Fundamentals of Medical Genetics and Genomics (core, 20 credits)

Genetic and Genomic Informatics (core, 20 credits)

Medical Genetics and Genomics (core, 20 credits)

Research Project (core, 60 credits)

Scientific Frameworks For Research (core, 20 credits)

Advanced Immunology (option, 20 credits)

Bioinformatics and Molecular Modelling (option, 20 credits)

Biomedical Diagnostics (option, 20 credits)

Where This Course Can Take You

With your training in human genetics, many opportunities will be available to you upon graduation. Genomics is important in both public and private domains, and there is increasing demand for new graduates in a growing number of new genome centres and companies in the UK and abroad, such as the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Cambridge and Medgenome in India. Genomics is also a key area for the NHS, with governmental initiatives such as the 100,000 Genomes Project.

As genetics becomes a recognised part of all biological sciences, there will be an increasing demand for individuals with expertise in this field.

Get Excited to study

The process is easy!


We will help you from start to finish

-We will help you get your dream education

-With our support, you will choose the field of study, the university and we will prepare the necessary paperwork. We will then apply for studies and for funding

-Studies can take place fully remotely and they are flexible

-If you prefer to spend less time in class - no problem, courses only take place twice a week


Tell us exactly what you need

We want to understand your goals and plans. Describe your situation and we will find the way how to study efficiently, and how to manage your time.

We know that finding the right direction for your future can be a very daunting task. That is why we are here to help you every step of the way, so that we can help create a bright future for you.


We'll plan the perfect Future course

If you choose to do a university course, we’ll help you plan the perfect future. Select your academic structure and we will choose the best university based on your needs.


Enjoy your new you!

Once you get your degree, you won’t be stuck in the same place anymore. Go where you want and do what makes you happy.