Interview With Rafal Rzemieniewski. How Do You Successfully Combine Study And Work?

Hey Rafał! You are studying at London Metropolitan University. Maybe you’d like to tell the readers a little bit more about yourself? 

My name is Rafał and I’m one of the people who started university a little bit later, as I had a gap of 8 years in my studies. I’ve always wanted to study, but before that I didn’t have too many conditions. I honestly wouldn’t have thought before that I would ever go back to education. I was convinced that it was a complicated path and that I would need results from an English college, as I had not done my matura in Poland, nor had I finished high school education. 

You are combining work and study. What does that look like in practice? 

It has become a norm for me and I don’t see any problems with it personally. I have some time to study on my class days and also on the days that I work. If necessary, I also use some weekends, but this one is usually taken up with time with my son. 

Just two days a week, including one remotely. That’s called flexibility! You are about to graduate with a degree in Business Management. Are you already working in your profession, or will you only be applying for your first job once you have completed your degree? 

Yes, these two days allow me to work freely and find time for all my responsibilities. I also didn’t expect to have such flexibility when I thought about my studies. At the moment, I’m not working towards my degree, I still have years of study ahead of me. I will be putting it together during or closer to graduation. 

Let’s go back to the beginning of your studies for a moment. Where did you get the idea to choose London Metropolitan University and the Business Management major? 

I actually didn’t have much choice in terms of majors at the beginning. I don’t have a baccalaureate degree or a high school diploma and yet I got into university, which is still a shock to me. However, when I read a little bit about the Business Management course, I liked it because I intend to run my own business in the future and I can learn a lot from it. 

What was the recruitment process like? How did Motivation Academy help you with this? 

The process was really simple, I filled in the form on their website and then Kasia contacted me, then almost everything was done for me and all I had to do was go to the interview at the academy. 

Did you contact one person or different people? What was your communication with Motivation Academy and the other paperwork like? 

I have been in contact with Kasia Pawlinska all the time since the beginning of the application. We dealt with everything practically via WhatsApp or by phone. I got an answer to every question I had throughout the application process in addition I got help with the funding application. 

Ok. So the help with the paperwork was useful. Would you then recommend working with Motivation Academy? 

It would be hard not to recommend the free help for people dreaming of university. I myself happen to recommend them in conversations with my friends. Everything is really straightforward and makes for a convenient university application. 

Who do you think could benefit from Motivation Academy’s support? 

Especially people who, somewhere in the back of their minds, are thinking about studying, but have a lot of doubts and questions, people like me, should benefit from support. If something is holding you back, you won’t have any obstacles after talking to one of the agents. 

Is it true that you got into university without a baccalaureate/A-levels, and how did you find out about this possibility? 

It’s true. I had no idea about this possibility, if I had known I would have gone to university earlier instead of working for low wages. I only found out about the system of applying via CV when I contacted Motivation Academy. 

The UK higher education system allows you to get into university in two ways. Either you have a baccalaureate degree or work experience, and you have demonstrated the latter. Do you think this is a good solution? 

I think it’s a great solution because it really gives everyone a chance to get an education. There are different situations in life and many people dream of going to university and this system enables them to do so

What is your student life like? How much time a week do you spend at university? 

I go to campus on Tuesdays and have remote study on Fridays, so I spend very little time at university and concentrate on studying at home in my spare time, but it’s not very time-consuming at the moment 

How are you doing financially? 

Surprisingly at university my finances are looking better. I’m working part-time and I’m also receiving grant money, which provides me with a higher income than before. Also, student life is full of concessions and discounts which further improves the financial situation. 

Has your standard of living improved from when you started university to today? A better job, higher wages? 

Yes, I feel that things have improved. I’m not working in a related profession yet, but I’m sure it will only pay off for me in the future. 

The situation on the labour market is indeed very different. Therefore, extra money always comes in handy. Do you take advantage of funding, as most students do? 

Yes, I do take advantage of funding and I can recommend this to anyone, as the loan is very secure and this allows you to study without too much stress when it comes to finances.

Did Motivation Academy also help you with the paperwork for the funding? 

Yes, they helped me and I continue to use their services. This allows me to concentrate on other things and I am confident that the application will go well. Everything is done at lightning speed and it remains to wait for the decisions. 

What should prospective students at London Metropolitan University know? 

First and foremost, prospective students should know that the route to university in the UK is very easy, especially with the help of people like Motivation Academy. If I got into university despite not having a secondary education then I don’t know if anyone can have a problem with that. Many of my friends are also worried about English with a view to university, but at universities they teach you everything step by step and your accent is not assessed at all. 

What are your plans for the future? 

In the future, I plan to open my own business so that I am not dependent on employers and can combine my own interests with my work. 

We wish you all the best!


On Key

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