Risk Manager – What Is The Profession? What Are The Salaries? What Studies Should I Complete?

That of the Risk Manager is a forward-looking profession that is growing in popularity every year. However, depending on the industry, the responsibilities of a risk manager may vary. However, the most important tasks remain the same – the Risk Manager is primarily responsible for analysing the risks in a company or organisation. What exactly […]
Want To Become A Mediator? Choose To Study LLB Law In The UK!

Want to Become a Mediator? Choose to study LLB Law in the UK! Do you have an uncanny gift for conflict resolution and are considered by friends and family to be conciliatory and always looking for peaceful solutions? This is a real and unique talent that is worth tapping into if you are planning your […]
Study In The Field Of Business Management. A Great Adventure In The Business World Is At Your Fingertips!

Management is one of the most extensive fields of science. It combines various disciplines such as finance, psychology, human resource management and law. As a manager or specialist, you are responsible for the overall range of processes, activities and decisions that are expected to lead the organization to its goals. Studies in Business Management may […]
Student Finance, Or What Does Financial Aid For Life, School And Childcare In Great Britain Look Like After Brexit

On January 31, 2020 at 24:00 CET, Great Britain left the structures of the European Union. The most emotions were caused by the “to leave” referendum, as well as the subsequent scuffles between the EU and UK. Virtually everyone, including Polish students, expected negative consequences of this situation. What has changed after Brexit in terms […]
Are Graduates Of Arts Faculties In Demand On The Labor Market?

Ubiquitous technology is constantly evolving and requires engineers to maintain dynamic growth. Apart from the pressure of the environment, there is also the one from relatives. The “good advice” suggests studying popular fields of study. It can be aggravating. What if you don’t feel this is the way for you? If you are more interested […]
Choose To Study In Biomedical Science And Discover The Potential Of Genetic Engineering. The Market Needs Experts!

The world is changing fast. Until recently, the home office was available to a small group of employees. The global pandemic has changed the picture of reality and today no one is surprised that someone works from home. However, this is only an example, because changes are taking place in many areas, including science. The […]
Kamila Żak In Forbes! Motivation Academy With The Title Of Business Leader

On April 1, 2022 at the Bristol Hotel in Warsaw, the 4th Ceremonial Gala “Leaders of the Future & Family Firms” was held under the media patronage of Forbes Polska magazine. The organizer and host of the event was the international editorial office of CEOWORLD Magazine. The event was co-organized by the Marshal’s Office of the Mazowieckie […]
Emilia Gąsior. Full Of Energy And Confident Woman, Mother And Future Nurse. Is It Possible To Be A Full-Time Mom And Study?

Thank you for taking a moment to talk about your studies and work. Is the knowledge and experience of working as a nurse useful in being a mother? I should answer this question perversely – being a mother is useful during internships in the hospital, but also in college. A series of experiences – here […]
Architecture At London Metropolitan University – Interview With Agnieszka Cybul.

Agnieszka is a fifth-year student of Architecture at London Metropolitan University. She thought about her studies while still living in Poland. She returned to her dream job plans when she started working temporarily in London. She tried her hand and… see what she has to say! Hi Aga! Tell me, how did your adventure in […]
Motivation Academy – Interview With A Proud Mother And Student Of The University Of Law In London, Żaneta Szczęsna

Motivation Academy – interview with a proud mother and student of The University of Law in London, Żaneta Szczęsna What do you do on a daily basis, apart from studying at The University of Law? Do you still have time for private life and pleasures outside of home and study? I am a mother of […]