Advantages Of Studying A Master Of Sciences In Legal Technology

We already do almost everything over the internet – making friends, ordering purchases, sharing our creations or managing our work. Recently, modern technology has been developing at breakneck speed. As a result, we have access to many tools that make everyday work easier, including for lawyers. Regulations are also trying to keep up with technological developments. The ability to interpret the law within the confines of technology and online activities is quite a difficult, yet desirable trait in many (also emerging) legal professions. So are there any degree courses that can bring this fascinating area of law at least a little closer? Find out about the Master of Sciences in Legal Technology!

Master of Sciences in Legal Technology – what is it? The Master of Sciences in Legal Technology is a postgraduate master’s programme for graduates in law and related fields who want to expand their knowledge of legal technology. In addition, from the course you will learn how emerging technological solutions are changing the way the legal sector works and operates. This is a course that will guide you through the intricacies of law in the context of modern technology and show you how technology can help make your job easier!

In the Master of Sciences in Legal Technology curriculum, you will find, among other things, an introduction to the interpretation of legal regulations in various fields and their changes in the context of the use of new technologies. You will also attend classes on so-called cyberlaw (i.e. laws on data acquisition and storage), technoethics in law or law in the operations of a modern corporation. You will also learn how AI (artificial intelligence) and blockchain (a system for storing and transmitting information about online transactions) work, what these solutions consist of and the legal and regulatory issues in connection with their use. Moreover, you will also learn how to use them in your work as a lawyer. Worried that you don’t have a background in the principles of the English legal system? No worries – this study also includes a two-week training course where you will learn the most key aspects of this working environment.

Do I need to complete these studies to work in the legal industry with a specialisation in technology?

In theory, no, as long as you have completed a law degree and are able to keep up to date with changes in legislation and translate them into working properly in technology. However, completing a Master of Sciences in Legal Technology gives you the advantage in the job market that you get up-to-date knowledge validated by specialists. What’s more, your studies will give you an in-depth understanding of how specific technologies work so that you can quickly find incorrect legal actions and help implement the appropriate changes to the system. Such specialisation in the growing field of new technologies makes you more attractive as a potential employee in the eyes of many companies. In addition to this, a modern lawyer should be conversant with tools that will allow him or her to find the relevant legislation more quickly. This will translate into more efficient work. By being familiar with modern legal technology, you can help more people and you will be seen as a specialist yourself. It is therefore worth setting your sights on a Master of Sciences in Legal Technology, which will give you a qualification in this legal field. This will make you a credible and valuable employee. What industries need Master of Sciences in Legal Technology graduates Undoubtedly, a specialisation in new technology law is one of the more sought-after qualifications on the job market today. Virtually every industry uses various modern tools such as the internet, databases or storing important company files on servers. The developing technology touches many legal aspects, including, for example, the collection and storage of personal data, patent law, consumer law or copyright law. In order not to expose yourself to additional costs in the form of financial penalties for failing to comply with legal obligations, it is good to have a lawyer in your ranks who has up-to-date knowledge of the interpretation of the law in the context of your online activities. Furthermore, more and more people are operating online – not only as online shops, but also as so-called influencers. In their profession, contacting a person who knows how to interpret the law appropriately in online activities is almost a necessity to be able to run a business with a calm head!

What’s more, the knowledge from your Master of Sciences in Legal Technology studies will also come in handy in your day-to-day work! Whether you’re running your own law firm or will be working full-time for a corporation, it’s worth knowing about modern technologies that allow you to provide high-quality services every day and… make your professional life easier! Studying with a Master of Sciences in Legal Technology opens the door wide for you to pursue a legal career in almost any field of business that – even and in a small way – makes use of modern technology. It’s fair to say that these days, without technology, it’s like having no hands – it’s very difficult to function and stay afloat in a changing market without knowledge of modern solutions. Seize the opportunity and get the knowledge now that will help you stand out from other lawyers – enrol for the Master of Sciences in Legal Tech


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